Sunday, October 12, 2014

June's Bakeshop - Spooky Treats

Phone - 413-477-6962 or 508.867-0099
135 Pierce Road
New Braintree, MA 01531
Here I am visiting June's Bakeshop during her Halloween Open House.

I'm crazy about June's cookies and cakes!  This is an experience
you don't want to miss.  The next "open house" will be in December!
Now, this one I have never been to but it will be on my list of
Christmas things to do list!
Like June's Bakeshop on Facebook and find out first hand
when the Christmas Open House will be.

Beautifully decorated cookies wrapped in cellophane are waiting for you.
They taste as good as they look!

Can you imagine the work that goes into these cookies?
They are too pretty to eat.

We will be eating the ones we purchased for a our Halloween treat.